Activision Coaching is part of the Variations group
For over 15 years, Variations International has encouraged the development of management and implementation of business or team strategy through consulting, training and coaching. - OUR VISION
We help to develop the talent of men and women so that the company can reach its goals and implement its strategy. To do this, we link strategic challenges, values experienced by employees, organisation and the principles of managerial action. The objective is to create organisations which are relevant on a human and economic level. - OUR MISSION
The Variations International approach is characterised by:- Close ties with management contacts, resulting in a long-term, diverse and productive collaboration
- Consideration of the economic and human relevance of its actions at all times, so that the actions are meaningful for employees, ensuring they commit to a fully effective approach
- Constant awareness of the creation of economic and human value for the company, its employees, clients and partners.
The Activision Coaching school was created in 2003 in Portugal by Catherine Tanneau and accredited by the ICF from 2004, amongst the first accredited coaching courses in Europe. Since 2006, the programmes have been deployed in France, adapted to major companies wanting to develop coaching styles and tools for their managers. In 2013, the programme was distributed as a cross-company course in its current format. Currently, our accredited programmes exist in various forms and in various countries: two courses per year for the cross-company course in France and Portugal, as well as international courses for major groups (Paris, Shanghai, New York). In total, over 500 people have been trained worldwide.
What makes training successful is the participants’ level of involvement and the specific results then seen in the field. Innovation and challenge are tools used to obtain it. Our systems aim to personally involve participants and encourage them to consider their practices, to actively work in the face to face learning space and experiment with new options in their professional space, by using the teaching resources and mentoring spaces which we make available to them.
We have developed our own method: “Actilearning©” based on the following characteristics:
Engagement and activation of participant and group resources: source of active learning
Constant personal involvement through diagnoses, role playing, experiments and individual reflection, which is a sign of effectiveness
The Group dynamic, used as a source of diversity and mutual feedback (e.g. via practical groups) leads to maximum uptake
The operational approach, from real situations provided by participants with presented concepts/tools provides a measurable impact
Reflective practitioner in action, teaching effectiveness is measured through the systematic implementation of knowledge and feedback: source of innovation and change
The process over time, particularly adapted to learning behaviour skills, ensures capitalisation and consolidation of knowledge.

Individual and/or team coaching helps develop leadership management skills and offers support to reach milestones or overcome managerial difficulties. The main coaching missions:
To deal with new jobs, change, to have a strategic reflection and define priorities, to define an action plan and make decisions. - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COACHING “BEING ABLE TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY”
To acquire new behaviours, to stimulate innovation, creativity, to anticipate and manage crisis situations or conflicts. - OPERATIONAL OR PERFORMANCE COACHING “DOING SOMETHING BETTER THAN BEFORE”
To improve team cohesion and communication, to engage to achieve the required results, to reach targets and results - TEAM COACHING AND CO-LEARNING GROUPS
Coaching skills can be applied to a group in the form of team coaching or in a more participative form of a co-learning/co-development group - ORGANISATION COACHING/ACTILEARNING©
Coaching is a powerful tool for change: it helps to transform a system and create an organisational learning dynamic
The company Fidelioquest develops and distributes the Fidelioquest questionnaire. The Fidelioquest questionnaire helps define a leadership profile based on the leader’s situational intelligence, particularly the strain between conquest management and finesse management. The notion of situational intelligence was developed by an HEC team from the theories of Michel Fiol and based on over 6,000 situations analysed during Fidelio workshops. The proposed approach, which includes a Fidelioquest questionnaire, the Fidelio workshops and an individual interview, allows managers and supervisors to develop their leadership abilities and handle specific management situations.